Phone calls are crucial in running a business, and telephone etiquette is integral to the success of a business communications. The telephone is one of the primary points of contact between customers and dealers for most businesses.
Millions of business calls are made everyday. Proper telephone etiquette is imperative in order for a business to succeed. Etiquette means to present oneself favorably through proper conduct. Good phone etiquette helps improve the lines of communication between a customer/client and business associates
One should always answer al phone calls before the third ring. When you answer you should convey a sense of warmth and enthusiasm. Always speak in a clear, slow and direct manner, and always identify yourself and your company to the caller. Avoid using jargon or euphemisms while speaking. Replace "I don't know" with "let me find out." Take telephone messages completely and accurately. Don't leave people on hold for too long. Don't use a speakerphone unless absolutely necessary. Leave a suitable updated message on your answering machine. Finally, train all your employees to adhere to the above phone call protocol.
Mobile phones have their own special rules of etiquette that include not taking a personal call during a business meeting. Try to maintain a distance of ten feet from others while having a cell phone conversation. Do not talk on your phone during a movie, on an elevator or in a museum. Never use the phone in while dining or in a place of worship. And, never drive and talk on the phone at the same time. Avoid loud and annoying ring tones. If you maintain these few pointers of etiquette you can make the business world a better place to live in!
Author : Max Bellamy